To make our dining experience more ghoulish; I hung my black feather boa through the iron work of the chandelier over our table. I did have second thoughts about this, as what would I do if I had the urge to sling that fancy thing on and do a strut...Oh yes, I have other colored boas to choose from as you would suspect every Fabulous Glamma would have at her fingertips! I also changed all the regular deep red candles for black ones. Black candles are hard to find, so grab them when you can. On top of my Great Grandmother Call's trunk I created a small tableau of skeletons and headstones. I used florist's puddy to keep the skeletons from falling when the walls start to vibrate when the fam. "Gets their Groove On"! And what would we do without spiderweb! I made the mistake of buying the cheap stuff, the kind like really soft batting cut up does not do the trick. Stick with the brands that say "Super Strong". That kind of spiderweb is tough and will go a long way.
The tableau(very frenchy oooh lalah) is one of my favorites in the house. I love a good skeleton!
not only do i love your halloween decorating tour, but i like that i can kind of see your new pad in the process. please say there will be a christmas tour, a spring tour, etc.
mom, only you know exactly what to look for when buying fake spiderweb. consider it a compliment.
Mom,I love the feather boa and the black candles! Oh who am I kidding I love everything!!!!
Hi Kelley!! I saw that you commented on my sister Sara's blog... so I wanted to jump on the commenting bandwagon. I love your blog!
Soooo, I am wondering if I can bring my kids over to take a tour. I'd even pay admission (as long as it isn't too pricey!). It seriously would be better than any other Halloween-ish activity I can think of. I could tell them we're going to a real haunted house or something. :) I am so impressed by all of the little details you think of.
Tell your girls hello from me... especially Brooke. Can't wait to see more!
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