My daughters went in together to buy me this cool skeleton that I wanted really bad. I have placed this guy in many positions at many a party. I thought it apropo to have him sitting and dieing to have a diet Pepsi before it is all gone. Alas, I find myself in the same position, being a slave to the cursed drink. I count it as my last vise, knowing full well that I really need to cut back. Anyway, I love this skeleton, I can use it not only for Halloween, but when I teach a drawing class or for just plain practice in drawing white on white. Thanks girls for always knowing what to get me. There are probably not too many other grandmothers who have a life size skeleton on their wish list....
yeah, pretty sure mary doesn't have that on her wish list unless they come in toile.
That was an awesome idea to put him sitting in the chair.
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