I think that "Fall" or "Thanksgiving" decorating is the least expensive of all the seasons to decorate. Half of my pumpkins, vegetables and gourds are fake and were bought at least 50% to 90% off right after subsequent Halloweens. I also use them in my still life setups occasionally, so I guess if I was smart, I could deduct their cost. I also use some real vegetables. We'll see if we actually cook them or just throw them away (hopefully before they get too mushy and ruin the furniture!) Anyway, the pumpkin centerpiece is new. I cut the top off a pumpkin I used for Halloween and put Styrofoam and a few rocks from our backyard in it and arranged the silk flowers inside. I had to glue some silk leaves onto one side of the pumpkin because it has a mysterious bite taken out of it. Some little goblin got to it!
*Advice = Do not blow out your candles very hard because the wax will spray all over your newly cleaned mirror!
is there any thing you don't do well?
(particularly in the decorating realm?)
it's fabulous, duh.
i love the new fall decor. i just might drive over to see it...
mrs. dub, there is nothing that she doesn't do perfectly perfect.
i'm impressed with your speedy halloween recovery and how you've dove right into fall. you are a perfect exaple of making your home wonderful and inviting.
As I recall, you are leaving me that red dresser in your will.
Just a reminder, 'cause I love that thing.
Oh, and I did hear about K & C and little Baby H!
Apparently, H stands for Heaven.
Mom, That looks simply marvelous darling!!!
Fab - cant wait to see it in person!
umm you are all wrong, there are things she doesn't do perfectly perfect. Being unperfect! she isn't very good at that one!
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