OK, the decorating was pretty easy... but it took me 4 times x 2 cakes mixes each, to finally give up with the Wilton cake mold. My cakes would just not cook in the middle, even with that rod that you put in. So, I ended up making 8 three layer cakes and then cutting them each into a skirt shape. That's 24 caked mixes there plus the first 8 cake mixes = 32 cake mixes! So 32 cake mixes with 3 eggs each= 96 eggs! 1/3 cup oil each cake mix= 10 cups of oil!
It was actually fun after the decorating started and I can now say that "YES, I can make a "Barbie" cake, No problem!"
WOW! You were really dedicated to go through that many cake mixes. The cakes look darling!
wow. i am so impressed!!! way to go!
clearly, being fabulous isn't always easy (or cheap), but it is worth it. those look so cool!
Those girls are have no idea how lucky they are to have one such as you for their leader. I am pretty certain I would have given up after the first soft middle ... after eating it, of course.
I've had some similar cake making experiences. For a Barbie cake once I used a round glass bowl for the top and set it on top of a 9inch round to make her taller. I had to fashion a cone out of tin-foil using a turkey baster and shoved that into the middle of the cooking bowl cake to get it to cook through. What a pain. Yours turned out awesome though! Love them!
Also, very cool decor! I love it!
As for books: Every time I finish a book I add it to the list on my side-bar with a comment or rating. It only shows the last five though. Anyway, I would definitely recommend "The Gift of Pain" for a book club book. It was really good. Also, "The Anatomy of Peace" from The Arbinger Institute. AWESOME! and
"Mornings On Horseback" by David McCollough (if you're into historical non-fiction. Which I'm not, but it was really interesting.)
Happy Reading!
Oh, and I did finish "A Town Like Alice" and it was really good!
That Wilton cake pan is hard to deal with; I've used it a couple times and the middle is never quite done (but still tasty). Once it was a Princess skirt and once it was a volcano. Anyway, those cakes are so cute & quite an accomplishment for someone who doesn't like to cook! Well done! :)
Well there goes your YW budget for the rest of the year!! Those are so cute. We're counting down until Hannah is in there to enjoy all those fun things.
i'm sorry i wasn't there to help you. i should have known better than to leave you to your own cake devices! i love you and i promise to be there for you next time. loves!
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