My simplehappy BFF gave my daughter Chelsea a FABULOUS baby shower, her daughter Mrs. Gee made the AMAZING invitations (they were as nice or nicer than many wedding invitations I've seen. Thank you for spending I'm sure countless hours putting those together.) All of my WONDERFUL FRIENDS and FAMILY took time from their VERY BUSY lives to come and literally SHOWER Chelsea with all things PINK and too, too cute! I am always amazed and astounded at the generosity and love that my dear friends have shown to me and my family over the many years that I have known them. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU !!!! Chelsea's baby will be one of the best dressed newborns around when she decides to make her GRAND entrance. Today, I am especially thankful for the blessings of sisterhood that I enjoy with so many exceptional women...
only thing wrong with this post is that i'm not in that pic.
but yea for chelsea bringing in a bundle of baby booty! now, let's meet this little girl!
Mrs. Dub should have been there but your wonderful mother let us tear up her spotless house and party! Chelsea recieved tons of great presents and her wipes container crystaled amazingly by Devz was just that amazing! Glamma made lovely centerpieces Sandys favors were darling Its always fun to get with the sistahs and and The Sandy !Sliders and chocolate shake shots dont hurt either!
That was a wonderful shower! I can't wait to see that cute little girl!!
hip hip hooray for a simply happy home to host our artery clogging shower! i can't wait to meet the little miss.
It was really a wonderful shower and I'm so beyond grateful! I'm having a blast today going through all the clothes and trying to organize before she comes...WHICH BETTER BE SOON!!! ps my belly is huge!
Let's face it, Chelsea did the lion's share of the work ... packing Miss Carma around for nine months.
My arteries have never been so blissfully clogged.
Good times ... good times.
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