Today I got to go to Blue's school to attend an award presentation. The school is stressing "Life Skills" and each class had about 6 children who received a certificate for an outstanding achievement in a life skill. Blue got the award for responsibility. I asked his Mom "Was this because he always turns in his homework or something like that?" She said "Well, you know Blue..." And it's true, this young man takes great efforts in doing "the right thing" and taking responsibility for his actions. I am so grateful that my fabulous grandchildren can go to wonderful schools that are actively teaching "Life Skills" along with the basic three "R's" and that they are fortunate to go to church each Sunday to learn how they can be the people that they were meant to be and to know the difference between right and wrong. I know it is hard for parents to cover everything that their children need to know and learn. I'm not a huge Hilary Clinton fan, but I heartily agree with "It takes a Village" to raise our children properly. So a big SHOUT OUT to all the teachers (and that really means to all of us) who take responsibility in helping the young to know what is right and how to be good, honest, NICE, and responsible adults.
it's pretty wonderful when sweet babies grow up to be even sweeter boys.
yea for blue!
I am proud to be his Grandma Sandy.
I am proud to be his Grandma Sandy.
Seriously ... how proud is that!
thanks mom. we are all pretty lucky to be able to have our own little village to take care of eachother.
thank you for your sweet comment on my blog. i always appreciate hearing from people, especially when they leave such wonderful comments!
i also love that you are called glamma! and you have sweet kids and grandkids.
I am a proud aunt!!
Way to go Blue!!! I'm proud of you!
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