I bought a wonderful vanity two weekends ago at the Rose Bowl Flea Market, and a week before that, bought fabric to make a table cloth for a side table in my bedroom close to were I am planning on positioning the vanity. What do you know! the fabric just completely
"Go's" with the vanities cover! I ended up sewing a ruffle out of the silk fabric to attach to the vanity's cover because it shrunk a little when I washed it, but it's turning out sooo nice! I'll brag on it when I'm finished.......

and just thought I'd share these darling little velvet birds that I bought myself for my birthday last Saturday at
Melrose Vintage (
4238 N 7th Ave Phoenix, AZ 85013 602-636-0030) ((I couldn't find their website)). Anyone who loves shabby chic wonderfulness and/or scrapbooking just
HAS TO go there. That shop is Heaven and is just plain
You have a gift for shopping and aint no lie! I also think that it is cool that ya buy what you like and dont worry if it matches perfectly and then when ya get home everything 'goes' cuz ya shop with yer gut- yep yer a gut shopper and its way more beautiful than it sounds!
That vanity is amazing! That is awesome that everything goes together!
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