My Mom (who is recovering from pneumonia and was probably in delirium when she called me yesterday to come over and...)
Gave Me this
FABULOUS Native American Doll and Goat that
she had just recently finished making !!!

I mean,
My Mom's attention to detail is Marvelous! She had been collecting the jewelry for some time now.
Look at the tiny buttons!
Look at the size of the squash blossom necklace...perfect!
Look at the wonderful belt!
AND She made the bracelets out of real turquoise and coral beads!

She also made the Goat. And when I mention that She
made these, I mean she cleaned the green ware, painted the porcelain and sewed the bodies and clothes. (She owns her own kiln, and often pours her own molds) She even put together the platform herself.
Even drilled the holes for the little rods that the Goat's feet slip onto!
I can't believe how Lucky I am to have such a talented and generous Mom!!!!
THANK YOU MOM ! AND I LOVE YOU ! (even if you never gave me stuff of course.....)
I am often amazed at what an awesome fam' I have! Strong wonderfuly kind women who are excellent examples for me! OG is a talented and super wonderful gramma!It is a beautiful doll and a great gift!
I am SO impressed. I know for a certainty that if I had gone to the trouble to collect some of that jewelry ... I would have ended up wearing it myself and just skipped the whole doll idea.
Quite a woman that Marsha.
I think she is so beautiful! The attention to detail is outstanding! What a lucky daughter to have such a loving, giving mom. After all that work I think I would have had trouble parting with it.
wow, shes lovely :) Does your mom sell her dolls? My mom is a big doll collector :) rosemary
that doll is great with that cute little goat. what a lucky girl i am, to have such artistic and creative examples.
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